

AutoMergeTool requires Python 3.5. Make sure that your computer uses that version, or higher.

Install using pip / easy_install

AutoMergeTool is distributed on the PyPi repository, meaning you can install it easily using pip:

$ pip install automergetool

… or using easy_install:

$ easy_install automergetool

Configure git

Update your git config, either the global ~/.gitconfig or the .git/config file in a specific repository :

    tool = amt
    conflictstyle = diff3
[mergetool "amt"]
    cmd = amt -b "$BASE" -l "$LOCAL" -r "$REMOTE" -m "$MERGED"

Alternatively, you can just type the following in a shell prompt (ommit the --global to only set the configuration for the current repository) :

$ git config --global merge.tool amt
$ git config --global merge.conflictstyle diff3
$ git config --global mergetool.amt.cmd 'amt -b "$BASE" -l "$LOCAL" -r "$REMOTE" -m "$MERGED"'

Minimal AutoMergeTool configuration

AutoMergeTool requires a minimal configuration. The most basic yet important one is to set the option in your git config.

    tools = gen_simplify;gen_additions;meld

Alternatively, you can just type the following in a shell prompt (ommit the --global to only set the configuration for the current repository) :

$ git config --global gen_simplify;gen_additions;gen_deletions;meld

The above config will launch the gen_simplify, then gen_additions tool to solve any conflicted file. If neither of those solve all conflicts, then the manual tool (here, meld) will be launched.

You can read the configuration page for more details on the configuration, and the Known Merge Tools page for a list of available solvers.

Using AutoMergeTool

Now that AutoMergeTool is configured, whenever you get a merge, rebase or cherry-pick conflict, you can use the following line to automatically solves conflicts.

$ git mergetool

Note that if you kept another tool as your main mergetool, you can run AutoMergeTool with:

$ git mergetool --tool=amt

For more information, read the `configuration page <configuration>`__, or see the official `Git Mergetool documentation <>`__