
Please note that every configuration described here can be added either to your global ~/.gitconfig file or to per-project .git/config files.


Conflict solvers

The basic AutoMergeTool configuration you need is set the list of solvers which will be applied, in order, on each conflicted file.

When one of the solver solves the last conflict in the file, remaining solvers will be ignored.

Usually it’s a good practice to leave your preferred manual solver as the last in the tool chain. eg :

    tools = gen_simplify;gen_additions;gen_deletions;meld

Additional options

You can switch on the verbose option to log, on each conflicted file, which solvers are used on which conflict

    tools = ...
    verbose = true

The log of the process will then look like this :

Normal merge conflict for 'src/main/':
 {local}: modified file
 {remote}: modified file
[AMT] → Trying merge with gen_simplify
[AMT] ✗ gen_simplify didn't solve all conflicts
[AMT] → Trying merge with gen_additions
[AMT] ✗ gen_additions didn't solve all conflicts
[AMT] → Trying merge with gen_deletions
[AMT] ✗ Ignoring tool gen_deletions (unknown tool)
[AMT] → Trying merge with gen_woven
[AMT] ✓ gen_woven merged successfully

Keeping reports

Most automatic solvers provided within AutoMergeTool can output reports on solved and unsolved conflicts (see Conflict Reports). By default, AutoMergeTool deletes all report files when all conflicts are solved. You can make AMT keep those reports even when the merge is a success.

    tools = ...
    keepReports = true

Merge Tools

Basic configuration

The basic configuration of merge tools is the same as the standard Git config. Here are the options every mergetool can have:

  • cmd : a specific command line invocation. The $BASE, $LOCAL, $REMOTE and $MERGED variables will be replace with the path of the corresponding files.
  • path : for known merge tools, the invocation uses the tool’s name. If the tool is not reachable is the Path, you can specify a different path to the executable here. This is usefull when you have different versions of a tool installed on your computer.
  • trustExitCode : if this option is set to true, then the exit code of the executable will be used as an indication that the merge is fully successfull (or not).

Advanced configuration

In addition to git’s standard configuration option, AutoMergeTool can read additional options on each tool to add advanced behavior:

  • extensions : a semi-colon separated list of file extensions to allow a tool to be used on specific files. Eg: if the extensions lists htm;html, the tool will only run on HTML files.
  • ignoreExtensions : a semi-colon separated list of file extensions to prevent a tool to be used on specific files. Eg : if ignoreExtensions lists java;kt, the tool won’t run on java and kotlin files.

Internal solvers

For a detailed list of all internal solvers, and how to configure them, see the Known Merge Tools page.

Custom mergetools

AutoMergeTool has a basic configuration for a few common manual merge tools. But if you want to use an unknown tool, or you want to configure it yourself, you can override the default config using the options described above.

Configuring custom merge tools uses the exact same syntax as the one you’re used to on git, and the AutoMergeTool additional parameters are available too.

Here’s an example on how you can write those :

[mergetool "foo"]
    path = /usr/bin/

[mergetool "bar"]
    cmd = bar -o 2 --files $LOCAL $MERGED $REMOTE
    trustExitCode = true

Please note that if you provide a mergetool.<tool>.cmd value, the $BASE, $LOCAL, $REMOTE and $MERGED variables will be replace with the path of the corresponding files.

Also, any unknown option (ie: one that is not listed on this page) that you set in a mergetool.<tool> section will be added to the tool invocation. For instance, the following config will append --auto-merge to the meld invocation command line, and --config ~/custom_config when calling kdiff

[mergetool "meld"]
    auto-merge =

[mergetool "kdiff"]
    config = ~/custom_config

For more information on configuring mergetools, see the `Official ``git-mergetool`` documentation <>`__